Application for OpenSats Project Page and/or General Fund Grant

Thanks for your interest in OpenSats!

We're incredibly grateful to contributors like you working to support Bitcoin Core and other free and open source projects.

Because Open Sats is a 501(c)(3) non-profit, all projects we list on our website must be vetted by our board of directors to ensure that they help us further our mission of supporting contributors to Bitcoin and related free and open source projects.

Additionally, OpenSats must support specific PROJECTS which help to further our charitable mission. As such, if you are an individual contributor, please be sure that you list a SPECIFIC PROJECT you are working on.

The information collected below will be used in order to vet your project. If approved, OpenSats will create a project page on our website ( where site-visitors can learn more about your project and donate if they choose to. Your project will be listed for one year. After one year, you will be prompted to re-send your application should you wish to be listed again.

OpenSats also distributes grants from a general fund and you may also choose to apply for a grant below.


Bitcoin: We prioritize projects that will have a direct impact on the utility or adoption of Bitcoin. We will consider all projects but prefer projects that are not readily funded and which have an obvious benefit to the Bitcoin community and ecosystem. Potential projects include Bitcoin Core contributions, scientific/security research, code review, design/UX improvements, etc.

Free and Open Source: OpenSats supports free and open-source software, tools, and contributors which complement Bitcoin and help Bitcoin reach it's fullest potential. Potential areas of interest include secure messaging, merchant acceptance tools, layer two protocols, etc. Source code and documents resulting from funded projects must be made publicly available for access, edit, and redistribution free of charge and without restrictions.

Education and Mentorship: Funded contributors and projects should be prepared to share their experience and expertise with the greater community. We prefer developers who actively engage in mentorship, and help introduce Bitcoin software development to newcomers.

If your project is selected to be listed, we will reach out with any additional information necessary to ensure you are able to receive donation payouts. This may include tax related information depending on your location and/or bitcoin addresses in order to receive donation payouts from Open Sats.


The Open Sats Team

Application Form

Project Details

Applicant Details

Open Sats may require each recipient to sign a Grant Agreement before any funds are disbursed. Using the reports and presentations required by the Grant Agreement, Open Sats will monitor and evaluate the expenditure of funds on a quarterly basis. Any apparent misuse of grant funds will be promptly investigated. If OpenSats discovers that the funds have been misused, the recipient will be required to return the funds immediately, and be barred from further distributions. Open Sats will maintain the records required by Revenue Ruling 56-304, 1956-2 C.B. 306 regarding distribution of charitable funds to individuals.

After submitting your application, please send images of your project to for inclusion on your project page.